SMS received statistics Number received statistics

Get number

This section is more suitable for getting acquainted with prices and statistics of receiving sms.

It is possible to manually get a number or text here, but quite difficult.
This is due to the fact that a lot of users use our partners' software to get a number.

If you need a large number of numbers - we advise you to use the API.

South Africa
Count: 2

Max price

Buy under 14 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 58 ₽
Operator: 31
83 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
44 pcs.
Price: 36 ₽
Operator: 57
3215 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 14 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Price: 18 ₽
Operator: 2
2 pcs.
Count: 44

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 282 ₽
Operator: 31
10 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 41
10 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 47
34 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
56 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 95 ₽
Operator: 2
74 pcs.
Price: 22 ₽
Operator: 19
1 pcs.
Price: 53 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Count: 7800

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 46 ₽
Operator: 31
32 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
72 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
7800 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 53 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Price: 44 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Count: 123

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 77 ₽
Operator: 31
30 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 41
123 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
99 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 51 ₽
Operator: 2
437 pcs.
Price: 141 ₽
Operator: 54
113572 pcs.
Price: 15.5 ₽
Operator: 10
30 pcs.
Price: 16 ₽
Operator: 56
81 pcs.
Price: 51 ₽
Operator: 2
366 pcs.
Dem. Congo
Count: 1065

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 55 ₽
Operator: 31
40 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
77 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
1065 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 53 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Price: 22 ₽
Operator: 19
1 pcs.
Count: 7585

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 52 ₽
Operator: 31
12 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
99 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
7585 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 20 ₽
Operator: 8
50 pcs.
Price: 65 ₽
Operator: 2
323 pcs.
Price: 53 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Price: 15.5 ₽
Operator: 10
29 pcs.
Price: 16 ₽
Operator: 56
46 pcs.
Price: 53 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Price: 44 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Count: 8325

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 46 ₽
Operator: 31
65 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
80 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
8325 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 65 ₽
Operator: 2
406 pcs.
Price: 65 ₽
Operator: 2
495 pcs.
Count: 123

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 46 ₽
Operator: 31
24 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 41
123 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
92 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 53 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Price: 44 ₽
Operator: 2
1 pcs.
Count: 8452

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 76 ₽
Operator: 31
14 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
79 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
8452 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 36 ₽
Operator: 2
4 pcs.
Price: 71 ₽
Operator: 2
418 pcs.
Count: 8421

Max price

Buy under 15 ₽

Price list

Price: 35 ₽
Operator: 4
5 pcs.
Price: 46 ₽
Operator: 31
60 pcs.
Price: 32 ₽
Operator: 64
90 pcs.
Price: 54 ₽
Operator: 57
4794 pcs.
Price: 15 ₽
Operator: 23
8421 pcs.
Price: 21 ₽
Operator: 3
1 pcs.
Price: 65 ₽
Operator: 2
351 pcs.
Price: 158 ₽
Operator: 54
25 pcs.
Price: 65 ₽
Operator: 2
300 pcs.

Yandex: Creating an Account Without a Phone Number

In today's digital age, privacy and personal data protection are becoming increasingly important. Many online services, like Yandex, require phone number verification to register an account, which can be inconvenient for users who want to maintain their privacy.

Fortunately, using a temporary online number provides a solution, allowing users to bypass revealing personal details while still complying with the service's requirements.

What are Virtual Numbers, and Why Use Them?

A virtual number is a temporary phone number that is not linked to your real identity. It allows you to receive SMS online for verifying accounts on services like Yandex, VK, Google, and others. This service is particularly popular among users who value privacy or those who need to create multiple accounts without using their personal phone numbers.

Why Choose Yandex?

Yandex is one of the leading Russian internet companies, offering a wide range of services, including email, maps, cloud storage, and more. It stands out in the market, surpassing many competitors with its extensive offerings and user-friendly interface.

Registering with SMSLIVE.PRO

To create a Yandex account without using a personal number, you’ll need a reliable virtual number service. SMSLIVE.PRO provides temporary virtual numbers for registration on platforms like Yandex. Follow these steps:

1.    Visit the SMSLIVE.PRO website and create an account.

2.    Add funds to your wallet to rent a virtual number.

3.    Navigate to the "Activations" section, find Yandex among the available services, select a country, and choose the required number.


Yandex Account Registration Steps

1. Go to the Yandex account registration page.

2. Input the virtual number in the phone number field.

3. Confirm the number by entering the code sent to your virtual number through SMSLIVE.PRO.

4.    Enter your basic information: first name, last name.

5.    Complete the registration process by following the instructions on the Yandex website.

Remember that the virtual number is only active for a limited time, so be sure to complete the verification promptly. If the SMS code doesn't arrive immediately, request a resend through the Yandex interface.

Benefits of Using SMSLIVE.PRO for Registration

1.     Privacy Protection: Your personal information stays secure and private.

2.    Instant SMS Activation: Receive verification SMS messages online in real-time.

3.    Global Availability: Virtual numbers from various countries make it easy to find a suitable one for registration.

4.    Reliability: The service ensures successful SMS verification with ease.

5. Customer Support: If you encounter any issues, SMSLIVE.PRO's support team is available to assist.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. How long does a virtual number last?

 A virtual number is active only for the duration of the rental period, which is typically long enough to complete the online registration process. Usually, the number remains active for about 20 minutes.

2. Are all services supported for online verification?

 Most popular services, including Yandex, Google, and PayPal, are supported. If you encounter any issues with a specific service, it's recommended to contact SMSLIVE.PRO’s support for assistance.

3. What should I do if the SMS doesn’t arrive on the virtual number?

If the SMS doesn’t arrive immediately, try requesting a new code. If the issue persists, you can request another SMS through the service interface.


In just a few simple steps, you can successfully create a new Yandex account using a temporary number. SMSLIVE.PRO offers an easy and secure solution for SMS verification, making account creation fast and hassle-free. Always rely on trusted services like SMSLIVE.PRO to ensure your online privacy and security.


Apple ID Without Phone Number. Is This Real?

Registering Apple ID With Temporary Phone Number


Creating Avito Account Without Phone Number

Creating Avito Account With Virtual Phone Number


Creating a profile on the Google platform using the SMSLIVE.PRO service

Creating a profile on the Google platform using the SMSLIVE.PRO service
